Janine Hall
DRE Lic #01347637
As a REALTOR ®, my unique skill set and deep understanding of the area’s housing market are ideally suited to meeting the needs of home buyers & sellers in North San Diego County. My professional experience spans high-technology sales, customer service management and real estate sales. I began my real estate career in the Bay Area in 2002 and shortly thereafter my husband and I relocated to Fallbrook, CA where I have been serving the Fallbrook/Bonsall and North San Diego County area. I have earned awards through RE/MAX ranging from the Hall of Fame, President’s Club, 100% Club and the Executive Club based on superior sales volume and now enjoy working together with Stan at Hall In One Realty. I enjoy working with people and pride myself in doing the best possible job for our clients. We enjoy working together and sharing what we know about the area with our clients. When you are ready to buy or sell, we hope you would trust us with those very big decisions. We are happy to help!