Fallbrook Homes for Sale
About Fallbrook
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A Closer Look at the Community of Fallbrook & Fallbrook Homes for Sale
The name Fallbrook came from the Vital Reche family who arrived in 1858 and named their brand of honey after their original home town of Fallbrook, PA. They also recorded the first real estate claim and in 1869, donated property for the first Fallbrook School originally located on the corner of Live Oak Park & Reche Road.
Coined as “The Friendly Village”, Fallbrook is unincorporated and consists of roughly 127 square miles with property elevations ranging from 500-1500 ft. The population of the real estate surrounding Fallbrook is estimated at 50,000. Being unincorporated allows the community to choose an annual honorary Mayor who is selected by selling the most votes in a fundraising effort to support local organizations in the Fallbrook real estate area.
Known as the “Avocado Capital of the World” an annual Street Festival is held, usually in April along Main Street in the downtown area. Famous for its avocado groves, many homes for sale have been developed leaving the groves mostly intact.
The weather is tempered by the prevailing ocean breezes from the West which lends to a relatively low level of humidly in the properties surrounding the Fallbrook real estate area. The summer days are warm and nights are cool enough to leave the windows open and enjoy the natural cooling effect in what is known as a Mediterranean climate. Winter temps in the Fallbrook community are usually warm enough to enjoy the day outside in a short sleeve shirt and flip flops.
Fallbrook real estate offers the serenity a small town has to offer yet nestled within gated estates and communities. Fallbrook is home to Artists, Authors, Movie Stars, Music legends and more. Don’t miss out on a visit to the communities new state of the art Library, Fallbrook Branch Library.
The climate is acceptable for many varieties of plants. Olives were the main crop established in the 1920’s but later phased out in favor of the current avocado, citrus and nursery industries. Buying a home in Fallbrook will afford you the opportunity to enjoy being a gentleman farmer or casual gardener.
The Friendly Village offers an array of pastime pleasures such as Golf, Art Events for adults and children, Wineries, Nature Walks, Horse Trails, Vintage Auto events, and Farmers Markets just to name few. Visit this county website for a variety of useful information about Fallbrook.
Contact area experts Janine Hall or Stan Hall for more info